
On-Site Sales, Service, and Recharging of Portable Fire Extinguishers
On-site Sales, Service, and Recharging of Portable Fire Extinguishers utilizes our state of the art mobile work Station which allow us to service your fire equipment at your location.
Annual Fire Extinguishers Inspection
Did you know that your fire extinguishers need to be inspected each year?
The fire code states that “A trained person who has undergone the instruction necessary to reliably perform maintenance and has the manufacturer’s service manual shall service the fire extinguishers not more than 1 year apart” and that such person “have the proper types of tools, recharge materials, lubricants, and manufacturers recommended replacement parts or parts specifically listed for use in the fire extinguisher.” and “The owner or designated agent or occupant of a property in which fire extinguishers are located shall be responsible for such inspection, maintenance and recharging.”
Maine Fire Equipment Co. offers annual fire extinguisher inspection at your location to update your fire extinguishers so they meet the NFPA fire codes, OSHA standards, and insurance regulations
Monthly Fire Extinguishers Inspection
Did you know that in addition to annual fire extinguisher inspections, monthly inspections are also required?
The fire code states that “Fire extinguishers shall be inspected when placed in service and thereafter at approximately 30-day intervals.” Minimal knowledge is necessary to perform this monthly “quick check.” The “quick check’ consists of checking the following items:
- Location in designated place
- No obstruction to access or visibility
- Operating instruction on nameplate legible and facing outward
- Safety seals and tamper indicators not broken or missing
- Fullness determined by weighing or “hefting"
- Examination for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle
- Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position
- Condition of tires, wheels, carriage, hose and nozzle checked (for wheeled units)
- HMIS label in place
If your manning does not permit your staff to perform a regular monthly checks of your fire extinguishers, let Maine Fire Equipment Co. do this for you.
Automatic Inspection Renewal
For the busy business owner, this it our most popular feature. Automatic inspection renewal means you don’t need to worry about your inspections being out of date because Maine Fire Equipment Co. will notify you each year when the service is due and set up an appointment to perform the necessary work.
Fire Extinguisher Disposal
Maine Fire Equipment Co. offers an alternative to filling our landfills with disposable, condemned and unwanted fire extinguishers. At a minimal cost to you, we will properly dispose of or recycle any fire extinguisher. Call for drop off locations or to arrange a pick up.
Hands-On Fire Extinguisher Training
Will you or your employees know how to operate a fire extinguisher in the “heat” of the moment? Do you understand the different types of fires and the different types of fire extinguishers available to extinguish those fires? Are you aware of the hazards created when using the wrong type of fire extinguisher on a fire? Maine Fire Equipment Co. offers, at your location, live, hands-on training for the proper use of fire extinguishers following a classroom discussion based on your unique situation. Although hands-on training is not required each year, it is required that all employees have some sort of formal fire extinguisher training each year.
Emergency/Exit Lighting Inspection
Like fire extinguishers, emergency lighting needs to be inspected annually with a “quick check” performed monthly. Maine Fire Equipment Co. is able to perform the monthly and annual service on this lighting to ensure it will work when you need it most. Replacement bulbs and batteries can fix most problems but if needed we also offer new replacement lighting units.
Evening and Weekend Service
Another of Maine Fire Equipment Co. popular services is the evening and weekend service. When it comes to safety, the hours aren’t always 8-5. We have expanded those hours to help you meet your needs and keep you current with all codes and standards. For those of you that have fleet trucks that are on the road during the day, need fire extinguishers filled quickly after a fire or in preparation for an upcoming job or inspection this service was made for you. There is no additional fee for this service when scheduled in advance.
Emergency Care & Safety Institute First Aid & CPR Training
(Classes are not currently being offered)
If your department or organization is in need of new training or a refresher training in Standard First and CPR for adult, child or infant, let Maine Fire Equipment Co. and its’ team of ECSI certified instructors come to your facility to help you meet those goals. Through classroom, video and hands-on training, we can prepare you for the unexpected. In addition to CPR we can educate you to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) which are becoming increasingly popular in public places. All written materials used in these classes are obtained from the ECSI. Each passing participant will receive certification cards for the training they received.